Creative Solutions that Solve Business Problems.

"Change will happen to you, or by you. Strategy is what will set the direction for that change."

Successful solutions don't come without challenges, big goals and a trusted team of people pushing that rock up and over the mountain.

Tracey Halvorsen, CEO at adeo

Quotation Mark

Tracey’s speciality is understanding how people, operations, and creativity intersect to impact tangible outcomes.

As a result I’ve been able to create an operational strategy for my agency that puts people first while still growing an average of 20-25% every year. Through her sustainable growth strategies, we’ve been able to see predictable revenue and make data-driven decisions about how we hire, and services we offer.

Kara Redman, CEO, Founder - Backroom

Quotation Mark

Undertaking a massive website reinvention is unnerving—especially when you need to align several different complex systems into one smooth operating system, overhaul a complex and dated infrastructure; rethink, redesign, and rewrite everything that’s been in place for many years, manage a diverse and sometimes unruly set of personalities—and, ensure the result is wholly innovative, expertly designed, works seamlessly when completed.  

That’s the short story of what our project entailed and it could not have been accomplished—and brilliantly so!—without having Tracey Halvorsen as the maestro.

She provided leadership, oversight, insight, guidance, innovation, and understanding all the same time—always able to herd the cats, always committed to goal of producing a spectacular website that would exceed our expectations.  Which it did.  Yes it was complicated and yes we hit some road bumps but would we do it all over again?  Absolutely.

It could not have been as successful without her at the helm.

Debra Rubino, Vice President of Strategic Communications, Maryland Institute College of Art

About Tracey Halvorsen

Tracey Halvorsen brings more than 25 years of agency leadership, digital innovation and perpetual curiosity to adeo, where she drives creative inspiration, partnerships and success for adeo teams and clients in the education, healthcare, non-profit, sustainability and cannabis sectors.

She is also a widely collected contemporary painter, whose work encompasses both representational and abstract elements in energetic and vibrant interpretations of the impressionists and great masters. She is currently represented by the Winkel Gallery.

Before adeo, Tracey founded Fastspot, a Baltimore-based digital agency known for website design and development on behalf of clients including Yale, the International Spy Museum and the Walters Art Museum, in 2000. Before her exit in 2020, Tracey built and grew the company to national prominence, picking up more than 20 Webby Awards and nominations, recognition as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist – and a personal reputation for pushing boundaries and motivating teams along the way.

An accomplished writer and speaker, Tracey’s work and insights have been featured at NYC's 2001 Flash Forward conference, where her interactive project "Memoire," which later won the coveted Flash Film Award in Amsterdam, premiered.  She was a 2010 SXSW panelist on one of the event’s most talked about presentations: “We F*cked Up. Now What? Exploring Failure with Happy Cog and Friends.” Recent presentations include "Become a Storymaker" at Confab London and the closing keynote "Designers (Should) Run the World" at the UCDA conference in Maryland. Her experience and insights at the intersection of business strategy, human psychology and creative expression have been published and shared widely.

A devout student of business strategy and cultural transformation, Tracey is keenly attuned to and sharply focused on our burgeoning digital ecosystems and their impacts on human relationships and communication. A committed teacher and mentor, Tracey is inspired most by the individual and collective evolution of creative teams and the outcomes achieved.

Tracey was born and raised in Bethesda, Maryland. She holds a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art and an MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She also studied painting and sculpture in Lacoste, France, though she jests that her French is limited to "Je voudrais une bière, s'il vous plaît."

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